Representing European Health Product Manufacturers & Distributors

Our Mission

EHPM represents the interests of specialist health product manufacturers and distributors in Europe. It works towards developing an appropriate regulatory framework throughout the EU for its members’ products, and promotes industry best practices for product quality and safety.


About ehpm

EHPM is the leading European trade association representing the food supplements sector.

With our Members, National Associations from 14 European Countries, Companies, Service Providers, we unite, represent, inspire & support over 1,600 health-product manufacturers at the European and global level.

We support the food supplements sector with:

  • Collaborative platforms: to develop sector-wide approaches to guarantee the high quality & safety of food supplements as well as concrete policy proposals to cope with the regulatory challenges detailed in EHPM Manifesto for the food supplements in Europe.
  • EU policy dialogue: Advocating the development of a level-playing field, fair regulatory framework that would recognize the role of health-products in the betterment of EU citizens’ health and in keeping the cost of the EU healthcare under control.

We proactively cooperate with the European Institutions and stakeholders to strengthen the overarching strategy for a healthier Europe enshrined in the Farm to Fork and the European Green Deal.


Join us

Criteria for eligibility, conditions of membership and fees for specific categories of EHPM Membership


Regulatory issues

EHPM action aims to contribute to the solution of long-standing regulatory challenges with a proactive and balanced approach.

The full application of the Mutual Recognition Principle (Reg. (EU) 2019/515), a workable and fair approach to the assessment on Botanical Health Claims on foods and food supplements (Reg. (EU) 1924/2006), a proper and transparent use of the EU Risk Management Procedure concerning substances in foods and food supplements other than vitamins and minerals (Reg. (EU) 1925/2006): These are main regulatory objectives EHPM aims to achieve through the development of concrete inputs towards the European Institutions and National Authorities.

Besides the regulatory challenges peculiar to our sector, food business operators are facing an unprecedented challenge: Brexit will inevitably new create barriers to trade and cross-border exchanges. These changes are unavoidable and stakeholders must make sure they are ready for them. EHPM will provide its members with up-to-date information to meet this challenge.





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Current Month


Explore the EHPM Annual Report 2024!

EHPM proudly presents its Annual Report 2024, offering an in-depth review of the organisation’s key activities, achievements, and strategic vision. The report also outlines EHPM’s public...

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EHPM 2024 Members’ Meeting: Shaping the Future of the European Food Supplement Sector

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EHPM Probiotics Guidelines & Position Paper

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EHPM 2024-2029 Manifesto: Together for healthy citizens and a prosperous economy in the EU

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