Harald Dittmar

Harald Dittmar
Harald Dittmar has been the Managing Director of the German Federation BDIH – Federation of Manufacturers and Distributors for pharmaceuticals, health products, food supplements and cosmetics. A lawyer by training, in addition to his role with BDIH that he took up in 1992, he is also the owner of the law firm Dittmar Rechtsanwälte that is located in Mannheim that specializes in food, cosmetic and competition law. Under his leadership, BDIH has grown from an association with 30 national members active in the field of OTC products and food supplements to a membership of more than 400 national and international SME member firms that are manufacturers and retailers of health products. He is also the Managing Director of International Organic and Natural Cosmetics Corporation and a board member of Cosmos-Standard, a European alliance of standard setters and certifiers of natural and organic cosmetics.