Michel Horn

Michel Horn
Vice Chair
Michel Horn is co-founder of the EHPM. He served as EHPM President from 2017-2021 and since February 2021 as Vice President. Michel is also co-founder of NAREDI (now BE-SUP) for which serves as Vice President.
Michel is active in natural health products since 1977, well before Food Supplements were recognised as a part of the food category by European lawmakers in 2002. He participated in the process of drafting the Belgian plant preparations decree published in 1997. He is owner & Director in the Board of Ortis Laboratories, Belgium.
While sitting on the board of several SME’s, he coaches young entrepreneurs-to-be at VentureLab, the incubator of HEC-Liège University business school. Passionate about romanesque architecture, self-management and organic agriculture.
Alumnus 2017 OpenBorderMBA (ULiège, UHasselt, FHAchen)